5G enabled logistics using GLOSA for Truck Platoons
ITS World Congress 2021
5GLoginnov will focus on designing an innovative framework in the industry 4.0 and ports domain piloting 11 families of use cases based on new 5G core technologies. The project is supported by 5G technological building blocks, including the new generation of 5G terminals notably for future Connected and Automated Mobility, new types of Internet of Things 5G devices, data analytics, next-generation traffic management and emerging 5G networks, for ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges.
For the city port of Hamburg, the efficient corridor management of nearby hinterland logistics, including warehouses and hubs as well as their connection to the port's terminals, especially with regards to an efficient intermodal hand over of the container flow, will be implemented in four use cases including Floating Truck Emission Data (FTED) analysis, 5G enabled GLOSA (Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory) for Truck Platoons and Dynamic Control Loop for
Environm ent Sensitive Traffic Management Actions (DCET).