During the ITS Future Champion Contest at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg, Dr. Eusebiu Catana announced the winners of the “5GLOGINNOV OPEN CALL FOR INNOVATIVE START-UPS”. The candidates have been evaluated considering the innovativeness of their project and of their goals.
The names of the 5 winning start-ups and SMEs which excelled in the development of 5G-based solutions in the framework of activities carried out at the three Living Labs – LL – of the project are:
- auTonomous dRones for marITime OperatioNs (TRITON)– Hellenic Drones for Koper LL.
TRITON aspires to develop a system that will enable autonomous drone operations targeting activities taking place in a port. This project opens up brand new value propositions wholly unrelated to the way the drone technology is currently being utilized in the maritime domain. TRITON develops the technology for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the port’s environment, increases the port’s operational flexibility, enhances health and safety standards, and reduces costs. The most important step forward in the TRITON project relies on the fact that the drones will autonomously navigate, and more importantly, automatically recognise moving obstacles in the port’s airspace in order to reconfigure their aerial paths to avoid mid-air collisions.
Name of the organisation: ARTEMIS AGRAIA SYMVOULEYTIKI S.A. “HELLENIC DRONES” (https://hellenicdrones.gr/en/home-en/ )
- Real timE drowSiness detectiON, AlerTing and rEporting (RESONATE)– Libra AI for Athens LL
The development of an effective yet relatively low-cost Driver Drowsiness detection system targeting professional drivers and fleets. The system 1) will comprise an edge, GPU-enabled computing device equipped with a camera and 5G communication capabilities offering continuous robust drowsiness detection (including early drowsiness symptom detection) and it promptly warns the driver even in the absence of an internet connection; 2) will benefit from a high-performing cloud-based ML-API service that will offer enhanced drowsiness detection, reducing false positives considerably; 3) is accompanied by an interactive data visualization and reporting business intelligence system that offers a 360o view of the whole fleet alertness performance; 4) is aimed to be driver agnostic and 5) the whole architecture and approach can support future extensions of the system for the detection of driver states beyond drowsiness, such as distracted driver detection.
Name of the organisation: LIBRA AI TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE IDIOTIKI KEFALAIOUCHIKI ETAIREIA (https://www.libramli.ai/)
- 5G-Loginnov-4-Amazon (5G4A)– eShuttle for Hamburg LL
For all certified Amazon logistics suppliers, the continuous dialogue and order management via the Amazon platform as well of the Amazon APP is a key element to guarantee just-in-time delivery. All drivers and dispatchers from third-party suppliers of Amazon are connected via APP and the dispatching software the Amazon service centre. With the smartphone APP based GPS profiles, Amazon can track delays and take measure with the Logistics service operator. Our company, eShuttle, will equip Amazon CEP delivery vans with the 3 telematics devices foreseen by the 5G-LOGINNOV project partners. The usage of these devices is targeted to improve dispatching and order management of Amazon fleets in the North of Germany showing the potential of carbon reduction by optimizing route and tour planning. As the reduction of Amazon third-party logistics partners (Scope 3 emissions) is high on the agenda of Amazon sustainability department in Luxembourg, the implementation of 5G-Loginnov Use cases are designed to support the overall carbon reduction targets of the Amazon group.
Name of the organisation: eShuttle (https://www.e-shuttle.de/)
- TAXi-AD Data (TAADD)– uze! Mobility GmbH for Hamburg LL
To form an independent network of mobile digital screen space equipped with sensors to realize the full potential of yet unmonitored mobility data. Our company generates innovative business cases using yet unmonitored mobility data. Data is collected by gearing up taxi vehicles (including self- driving vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, and trucks) with digital displays that comprise sensors. The sensors in the mobile advertising displays continuously record situational geo-targeting criteria (e.g. weather, traffic situation, location, time). Additionally, repurposed data is acquired from a broad range of existing and accessible data bases such as governmentally provided services and data bases of IT companies and the automotive industry. This allows us to build the basis for a traffic management system that will assist in creating speed- and acceleration profiles, analysing traffic flow and building artificially intelligent (AI) traffic applications. We regard the entire urban eco-system and its outdoor advertising possibilities as a living point of interest. This enables us act green, smart and fair.
Name of the organisation: uze! Mobility GmbH (https://www.uze-ads.com/)
- Intelligent Traffic Guidance System (ITGS)– Roads.AI for Hamburg LL
Demonstrate and validate the ITGS in its operational environment – the ITGS has been tested in the lab until now (using computational simulations) and it reached the stage of testing outside the lab. Test the efficacy of ITGS in reducing CO2 emission and improving traffic flow by transmitting optimal driving advisories to selected vehicles on the network over 5G cellular network and regulate the resulting freight traffic on the future 5G logistics corridor in EU, including CAM truck platooning management. Introduce a novel business model Traffic Management as a Service (TMaaS). Evaluate the potential of the ITGS as an infrastructure support scalable solution for the deployment of cooperative, connected and automated driving systems – the ITGS capabilities to generate context awareness (in addition to situational awareness) can assist autonomous driving systems in mixed traffic environment.
Name of the organisation: Roads.AI (www.roadsai.co)
These 5 applicants will move to contracting phase!
The project 5G-LOGINNOV organised an Open Call for the selection of five innovative start-ups and SMEs aiming to develop 5G-based solutions in the framework of activities carried out at the three Living Labs of the project Athens (Greece), Hamburg (Germany) and Luka Koper (Slovenia).
This Open Call was open to start-ups in the form of SMEs legally established in an eligible country (EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories linked to the Member States, H2020 Associated countries, UK applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation at the time of the deadline of the call).
The Open Call is now closed, if you are interested in more information here available the TENDER CONDITIONS https://5g-loginnov.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/5G-LOGINNOV-Open-Call-Tender-Conditions.pdf