Dr. Eusebiu Catana, project coordinator of 5G-LOGINNOV, was elected Vice-chair of the ALICE Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics thematic group.
The European Technology Platform ALICE was created in the frame of WINN project having the European Green Cars Initiative (logistics section) and EIRAC, European Intermodal Research Advisory Council, as background and supporting initiatives. ALICE was recognised as an European Technology Platform by the European Commission in 2013 and it is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe.
The ambition of the thematic group of which Dr. Catana became Vice-chair is to define research &innovation paths that need to be addressed to achieve real-time (re)configurable supply chains in (global) supply chain networks with available and affordable ICT solutions for all types of companies and participants. In essence, this is a requirement to enable a Physical Internet.
In particular, this thematic group is now integrating topics related to safety and security of supply chains to the long list of main topics addressed: Low intrusive security technologies, supply chain resilience, advanced supply chain risk management, system based supervision, coordinated border management, visibility of end-to-end supply chains, seamless data interoperability, ownership & governance, intelligent objects, smart devices, IoT & ITS, Big Data & Data Analitycs, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain applications to logistics, dematerialization, autonomous logistics operations, transhipment technology and handling of logistics units.