5G-LOGINNOV, 5GMETA & 5G-MOBIX: A Collective Insight from 5G-driven initiatives

Nov 27, 2023 | News

In an age where digital connectivity and smooth data transmission are integral across industries, the 5G-LOGINNOV project played a crucial role with two other leading 5G initiatives— 5GMETA, and 5G-MOBIX. This convergence took place during an online webinar organised on October 27th, where representatives from the three projects gathered to discuss policy recommendations stemming from their unique perspectives. ERTICO experts, Lidia Buenavida Pena (I&D Manager), Giuseppe Sirignano (I&D Support Manager) and Dr Eusebiu Catana (5G-LOGINNOV Project Coordinator and I&D Senior Manager) guided over 60 attendees, nurturing a discussion showcasing how these projects aim to redefine the landscape of 5G technology deployment and data management. Besides ERTICO experts, the speakers also included Gorka Velez (Vicomtech) and Martin Speitel (IIS Fraunhofer). 

Central to this exchange were the key outcomes:

A resounding focal point across all projects was the imperative need for a unified regulatory framework facilitating 5G deployment. Notably, 5G-LOGINNOV spearheaded the discourse, highlighting the gap within existing regulations concerning automated driving. Crucial aspects like required data rates and Quality of Service parameters in the network lack clarity, while cybersecurity looms as a pressing concern in Vehicle-to-Everything (C2X) communication.

Emphasising robust collaboration among diverse stakeholders—industry, research institutions, technology providers, and public authorities—was underscored as pivotal in achieving their collective objectives. The universal insistence on establishing clear guidelines to safeguard privacy rights amidst 5G technology deployment resonated strongly throughout these projects.

Moreover, the discussions centred around the ambiguity surrounding business models for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) environments, as well as the uncertainty regarding Business to Customer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) models for Network Slicing. Industry shoulders the responsibility of navigating these models, while policymakers focus on creating an enabling framework.

The representatives showcased a concerted effort to tackle the challenges of 5G deployment with shared goals. Their commitment revolves around enriching knowledge and skills within the industry and stakeholders through capacity building, training, and education initiatives.

The collective ethos of collaboration and adaptable strategies advocated by 5G-LOGINNOV, 5GMETA, and 5G-MOBIX is forging a path for the future deployment of 5G technology in Europe. In summary, these trailblazing projects underscore not only the necessity of regulatory coherence, privacy safeguards, and stakeholder collaboration but also share a unified vision of addressing the challenges of 5G deployment through educational initiatives and capacity building.