Ports are essential for Europe’s economy and growth.
74% of goods are exported or imported to the EU through ports.
The emergence of 5G has created unlimited potential for improving efficiency, tackling pollution and innovation in all sectors.
5G-LOGINNOV applies this potential to ports, freight and the logistic supply chain.
5G-LOGINNOV is supported by a range of 5G technological building blocks, including the new generation of 5G terminals for future Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), the new Internet of Things (IOT)-5G devices, data analytics, next generation traffic management and emerging 5G networks functions.
Through the creation, testing and deployment of services, 5G-LOGINNOV will ensure port areas and city-ports can handle upcoming and future capacity, cope with traffic congestion and environmental challenges.
- Minimise the environmental impact of ports
- Reduce congestion around the port area and disturbance to the city
- Represent a pillar of economic development and business innovation for the region
- Facilitate the integration of the autonomous truck platoons of the future.
The project will develop and deploy Next Generation ports & logistics hubs operation system architecture integrated in 5G networks at three main ports in Europe: Athens (EL), Hamburg (DE) and Luka Koper (SI).
5G-LOGINNOV will ensure port areas and city-ports can handle upcoming and future capacity, cope with traffic congestion and environmental challenges.
5G-LOGINNOV is part of the European Commission’s 5G-Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP), which is a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions). The 5G-PPP is now in its second phase where 21 new projects were launched in Brussels in June 2017.
The 5G-PPP will deliver solutions, architectures, technologies and standards for the ubiquitous next generation communication infrastructures of the coming decade. The challenge for 5G-PPP is to secure Europe’s leadership in the particular areas where Europe is strong or where there is potential for creating new markets such as smart cities, e-health, intelligent transport, education or entertainment & media.
The 5G-PPP initiative will reinforce the European industry to successfully compete on global markets and open new innovation opportunities. It will “open a platform that helps us reach our common goal to maintain and strengthen the global technological lead”.