Using 5G technologies to innovate logistics and ports for a sustainable future
5G-LOGINNOV’s vision is to optimise freight and traffic operations at ports and logistics hubs by using new innovative concepts, applications and devices supported by 5G technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, next generation traffic management, Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and the 5G logistics corridor.
These operations will ensure port areas and city-ports can handle upcoming and future capacity, cope with traffic congestion, environmental challenges while developing economic and innovative business opportunities for the region.
5G-LOGINNOV comprises of a range of port-driven technological and societal innovations, tailored to realise the objectives including automation for ports; generation of data on floating trucks and emission; automated truck platooning and involvement of high tech SMEs. The innovations will be implemented and tested in real operating conditions in three Living Lab environments, associated with the three 5G-LOGINNOV ports, namely Athens (Greece), Hamburg (Germany) and Luka Koper (Slovenia) Living Labs.